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Oscilar eBooks Collection

Gen AI for Risk Decisioning

Evolution of risk decisioning platforms, building vs buying a risk decisioning platform and so much more. Future proof your fraud and risk strategy – download FREE ebook now.

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Why AI is the Future of Fraud

Learn why AI has been the missing part of the puzzle for effective Fraud Detection. 

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The Future of Credit Underwriting

The challenges of conventional credit decisioning, the need for modern credit decisioning benefits of AI risk decisioning, why AI risk decisioning is the future, and more..

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Frictionless and Secure KYC

In this free ebook, you'll discover what KYC and KYB are, uncover the true costs of KYC, explore the benefits of a secure KYC process, stay updated on the latest KYC trends, understand the five pillars of secure KYC, and much more.

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Account takeover prevention guide

In this eBook you'll learn how to prevent account takeovers while reducing user friction. 

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